Market Place
Overview map for self-sufficiency, crafts, law, organisation, art culture, technology, research, health, etc.
Show up! – Order your universal marker and your personalised map now. Find more information here as well as in the legend at the bottom of the page below the map. *
BACKUP: download complete MarkerMap database.
Legend #
By clicking this symbol you can display your location on the map.
To do this, you need to enable location sharing on your device. Here or directly below the map you can enter your location manually.
You can filter the markers by entering keywords below the map.
In the field next to the map you can sort them by distance (to your location), by name etc.
People: for individual information and to get in touch.
Communities: Working together.
Projekts: Activities, products, and services
Locations: for activities and meeting.
Vehicles: for shared use.
Activity levels
orange = actor
Let us invite you to join us and show what you have to offer.
green = networker
Invite people you think are great and become a sponsor (contact person).
blue = coordinator
Explain MarkerMap, develop it further and create a lively community.