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Marker Maps

Order your universal markers and personalised map using the form below. Decide what you want to reveal on the marker info. We offer customised links to maps of people, projects, living spaces, topics and our marketplace.

Find out more about MarkerMap

Order form #

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Who invited you to markermap? - Don't have anyone yet? Then first find a sponsor via the networker map. For an additional MarkerMap for yourself, enter your name and ID here.
Each map and marker needs a responsible person. This person determines the content and also decides which markers may be linked to it.
A copy of your entry will be sent to this address.
Fill in the name you want for the marker and the corresponding map.
Web address (url) of the image for your marker info.
Enter the text here which should be displayed in your marker info. Hidden search terms can be added to this text in the next step.
Enter all terms here under which you would like to be found. We embed these hidden, so that your offer information remains clear.
How can people contact you? Enter your phone number, messenger link or other contact details for the marker.
Where should your marker appear on the maps? Enter an address or GEO coordinates here where people can meet you.
You will find the prices and explanations below the form.
Submit your alternative valuation offer for the creation of your desired marker and associated map, including links.

Any questions?

Have a look at the info page, contact a coordinator or send us an email.

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